Sunday, September 13, 2009

Wii - The Most Innovative Console Of All Time?

The Wii is a very innovative console Upload And Download Speed it is Tmmail the most popular in the next gen wars. Surprisingly it is also the cheapest of the bunch which consists of Microsoft's XBox360 and Sony's PS3. The great part is that the Wii has totally innovated the art of playing video games forever! I mean who would have thought that we gamers could one day grab a controller and start the act of punching to play a boxing game!. It is very exciting to simply hold onto that controller and just motion like the character on-screen! It's groundbreaking to say the least!

This streamyx reseller in the model has forced competitors to rethink their strategy. One competitor who did just that was Sony when they made last minute changes to their PS3 once they caught onto the popularity of the Wii's motion sensitive game controllers. Sony simply renamed their controller the "six-axis" and added their own motion sensors into the controllers. Although they don't even compare to the potential uses and range of motion that the Wii controller has. The Wii controller was built for action not just button mashing like everybody else.

Another great caveat for the Wii is the fact that it has literally exploded onto the market and maintained it's popularity ever since it's release in December '06! This is definitely an accomplishment in it's own right. The part that blows me away is that it is not as graphically Tm Logo and capable as the other two 600 pound gorillas. But simply through sheer out-of-the-box thinking they have created a new market for virtual gaming at home. internet movies it is not quite virtual reality, given the graphical limitations, it is still mindblowing to grasp the fact that we are at the genesis of next gen virtual gaming thanks to this little white box!

What we are experiencing is a paradigm shift in the video game industry. This change is very reminiscent to the previous shift we experienced in graphics when the Big N introduced the Nintendo 64. They literally jumped from 16 bit consoles to 64 bits and that was a huge quantum leap!! This time the shift includes improved graphics as well as a different way of playing. Technological marvels such as this make gamers feel like the future is here now . While nobody really knows what the future truly holds for the gaming industry, we have a pretty good idea of where it's headed thanks to Nintendo's little wonder machine. This leads me to believe that the Wii is the most innovative console of all time!

Hamed Bahar is a webmaster and runs an extremely popular Wii website known as

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